So, being the Disney fanatics we are, we decided to start keeping photo updates on how the new Star Wars land is going. At the exit to Thunder Mountain used to be a walkway to Fantasyland, passing by Big Thunder Ranch (Mmmm…the smell of good BBQ)
Now it’s gone. We’ve been back twice since Disney started construction and closed this area off. You start by coming up on a big wooden fence with this sign:
As of now there are cracks in the wood that I took some photos through. Here are comparisons from the 2 recent trips. The first is a shot through the wood of the walkway to Fantasyland. The left was taken on 3/5/16 and the right on 5/21/16:
Rivers of America is also being rerouted. The Mark Twain and Columbia are currently docked, and the following photos are showing how they started to block off the area, and now it’s completely blocked from view:
Our biggest surprise came when we parked at the Mickey and Friends parking structure on 5/21. We were routed to the very top level (not our first choice). The structure, if you’re not familiar, is right across the street from the park. From the top level, you get the most AMAZING view of the construction going on. It’s all dirt right now, but more photos will come. We took this shot at night on our way out:
For you Disney lovers, please follow me here as I will continue to update the construction progress. Now before you say this is killing the Disney magic, park lovers like us are THRILLED to see this happening. Imagine being there in the beginning, watching the park unfold from an orange grove field to what it is now. This is as close as we can get, and I for one love it! Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for more to come 🙂
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