PLEASE tell me you’ve seen The Shawshank Redemption! If not, stop reading this now, go watch that movie, then come back……
So, welcome back 🙂 Wasn’t it amazing?? OK, carrying on. Andy wanted a library for the prison to make it a better place. Everyone told him it wasn’t possible. There was no funding, no resources, etc. Excuse after excuse, wall after wall, Andy just kept running into obstacles. But he didn’t give up. He kept writing one letter a week until the state finally caved and supplied the prison with funding, books and other items to hopefully get Andy off their back.
Today my friends, I got my library. I received recognition at work that I’ve been fighting for and fighting for longer than I can remember. Every wall I hit, every ‘NO’ I was told, I kept fighting. I kept showing up, kept sending those letters once a week. Now, I get to help build a library. I get to knock down some walls, categorize some books, and help make a place that everyone will hopefully enjoy. I will help make the best library I can with the resources I’m given.
Now, am I done? Oh no…..if you know me you’ll know that Andy and I have one big thing in common. He enjoyed his moment of victory and got his library established after writing 1 letter a week. Then, he started writing 2 letters a week.
Got a pen? 😉