A letter from me to myself 10 years ago………
Dear 2008 me,
Happy birthday, me! Wow, 36 years old, you’re really getting up there aren’t you? You’re probably hoping your liver and kidneys will hold out at least a few more years. My friend, not only do
So, the reason I’m writing to you is that I remember you’re in a bit of a strange place in life at your point. You finally came to peace with ending your marriage, and even tried to “date” a person you “dated” before. By the way, you won’t be around her much longer. It doesn’t get easier with your next relationship though, you actually get the rug pulled out from under you in that one. But trust me, go through it and you will come out stronger than you’ve ever been in your life!
You started a job earlier this year that you absolutely hate. Remember you tried to quit 3 weeks in and got talked into staying? The limits of your work ethic are going to be tested, and I won’t lie, you may feel like this job breaks you more than once. Just remember this, stay focused on who you are. What you want out of life is exactly what is going to keep you going. They won’t always have your back, they won’t always believe in you, but you’re going to get to a place where the right people are paying attention. You will see in this job there is a difference between being appreciated for the work you do, and being appreciated because of the work you do. You do have value, you just need to think outside the box. If the person in front of you doesn’t see you, keep walking. No matter who does and who doesn’t have your back, don’t stop believing in you. You deserve good things, and one day the right person that can make a difference is going to see that. Also remember, you’re a pretty damn good customer service guy. Take care of your people, and those around you. Show them who you are, and at the end of the day, you can always hold your head high. And know this. Stick with this place and something amazing is going to happen. More on this
You’ve also settled into this place in life where you feel you’re never going to be a parent. It’s not in the cards for you, it’s not your mission in life. You’d rather, as you told your brother once “Just travel a lot and bring back gifts for our niece”. You know how much your family means to you, and to you that was enough.
Are you sitting down? Mark this on your calendar, 46 is the last birthday you will spend without being a parent.
Oh, you don’t believe me? Here’s proof my good man:

Oh my God, I can totally see the look on your face right now!! I think it looks a bit like this:

OK, drink that beer and relax a little. Let me explain. Your life has never been the most “stable”. You have done an amazing job sustaining and not letting outside factors dictate the direction you are going. When you planted, you planted and built a solid foundation. Pat yourself on the back for that, it’s not an easy thing to do.
However, that thought of having a family put your mind in this place of stability that was completely foreign to you. You often wondered what it would be like if and when that time came, then just settled into the idea that it wasn’t for you. And at 36, that seemed to be the calling point for that type of lifestyle.
Here is what I want to tell you. No, you’re not going to get all the details and no, I won’t tell you the when’s and where’s. You are less than 2 years away from your life going in a direction that you are not going to comprehend. If you went through it at any point prior you’d probably freak out. You need the next couple of years for things to fall into place. And hang onto your hats and glasses over
Trust yourself. Trust that part of your brain telling you it’s not what you’re used to. Trust you’re going to find
The life you’re about to go into is one I’m telling you to never take for granted, even when you feel like you don’t belong. Know this well, you will ALWAYS belong in the room. And if people there don’t feel that, you are in the wrong room! Never stop giving yourself credit.
Enjoy these next 10 years. You don’t even know what kind of happiness and adventures await you. Start saving your money though, Disneyland Churro’s keep going up in price. They’re still worth it!
I’m going to leave you with 2 last things:
First, no, you don’t get a photo of her. But my boy, she is beautiful. She is the type of beauty that radiates from the inside out. She is the type of beauty that makes you want to be a better man. And for someone who never thought they’d have kids, you end up with someone who’s going to be an amazing mom! I’m not going to tell you when you meet her or how, but the moment you do, you are going to know your life will never be the same. Trust me, go with that feeling you get. You’ll never forget nor regret it.
And second, I need to warn you. Stop holding your cell phone so close to your face, you’re going to end up in reading glasses. Trust me…..

My friends, thank you being here 🙂