Hello everyone and Happy New Year! So, the holidays are over and oh do I have stories to tell! That’s why I’d like to welcome you to:
Now that I’ve had time to reflect, I have a few observations about how you westerners celebrate these holidays. Let’s start with the one where you all lose your minds over a bird 🦃
There is one day out of the year where family and friends gather, eat a lot of food, watch football, watch parades, and truly enjoy each other’s company. I must say, I can get behind being thankful for a day like this. I only have one issue. Why only once a year? There is football on TV for 1/2 the year, my mommy loves to cook, my family is always getting together for something, and anyone can drag a big Snoopy balloon down a street and call it a parade! Come on people, let’s do this!!
There is something else about this day that makes people go crazy. After all the cooking, eating and drinking, you’d think the next day would be all about sleeping it off. Instead, you all keep going. Which leads me to the next holiday…….
Shopping. Apparently the day after Thanksgiving is a day you ALL love to go shopping. You have all year long to do this, but to save $30 on a Playstation 4 you’ll save it for the one day that EVERYONE ELSE is doing the same thing?? Adulting seems strange………and on top of the shopping, my mommy and daddy thought it would be a good idea to follow this baby time Christmas tradition.
So let me get this straight. A baby’s right of passage during the Christmas holiday is to be handed off to a stranger in an intimidatingly huge red suit, strangely perfect white facial hair, smells of previous kids and Burger King? Oh, parents, we kids have a thing or two to teach you. However, being who I am, I think I put on my best RBF for this photo. (And just FYI, resting baby face people!)
There are so many things I could say about the Christmas holiday. But rather than ramble on, how about I tell you in a more festive manner 🙂
‘‘Twas my first year of Christmas and all I can see, are lights trees and presents. Ooh, what could they be?
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care. Ok, what’s a stocking and why hang it there?
My parents were nestled all snug in their bed, while thoughts of me waking them danced in their head.
But zipped in my sleep sack, the sound machine low, lying down in my crib into dreamland I go.
I woke to a big tree with lights all around. I saw a new toy that had knobs and made sound.
My whole family came to spend Christmas with me. I felt wanted and loved, how lucky could I be?
We partied all day, with presents and fun. I held up like a rock star until the night was done.
And I heard family say, as they left for the night “Merry Christmas dear Alan, sweet dreams and goodnight”
And just when you think you’re all done celebrating, just when you think you’ve had enough, next you all want to take a night where you stay up past midnight to celebrate the year changing??? You people are ambitious!
We were invited by great friends to a 1920’s themed New Years party. Honesty, I think we nailed it!
There was karaoke, poker, food and all kinds of fun. With that kind of party, I went all in and stayed up until at least 8:30! I know, I’m already a legend in my 1st year. Maybe next year I’ll push hard and make it to 9.
And now we’re in the new year, and one of the resolutions has already come true. I am having a much more exciting January than I did last year!
I hope you all had a great holiday season and I’ll be back soon for more. Thank you for being here, until next time 🙂