Well hi everyone!
Once upon a time, in the long long ago, I created this blog to be able to get thoughts out of my head and maybe bring a little entertainment to people. Things were going fine until Alan came along and hijacked my page. He not only hijacked it, the kid took it over for an entire year! And what a year he had apparently! If you haven’t read his escapades I highly recommend checking out his self proclaimed “Chronicles of Alan” posts, the kid lived a better life than I did!!!
Now here’s the problem any parent runs into when they give something to their kid that’s important to them. When I went to get my blog back from Alan, well, he lost it. He just didn’t remember where he put it. It’s taken me this long to find it again, and there is a LOT to catch up on. I don’t even know where to begin. The last time I was able to post a blog was at the end of 2018. So, to catch you up in my own special way……
So much more to tell, but that’s for another blog. For now, if you’re reading this, I hope you had a fun few minutes catching up on the Betz family adventures. I almost forgot what a fun place this can be, and I can’t wait to bring it back to life in my own way.
Thank you for being here 🙂