Hi everyone,
I am the mascot of Alan’s kindergarten class. I get to spend a week with each student throughout the school year, and this week I got to be with Alan! They call me Clifford, but obviously not the REAL one. That Clifford does books, movies, and TV shows. I hang out with kindergartners, just a slight difference in social stature. Anyhowl, I’m here to share my story of spending SUCH a fun week with my buddy Alan.
I got to come home with Alan Friday night and wanted to give him a little coaching on my pedigree (see what I did there?). What better way to start our week than showing him my real-life counterpart’s movie Clifford! (He’s a bit of a diva but his acting skills are Oscar-worthy!)
Some kids take Saturdays to relax, watch TV or sleep in. Not this kid! Alan plays T-Ball, and I was so happy I got to go see him play! I watched him run, catch and hit the ball. And from a dogs perspective, it was SO DIFFICULT not to want to chase that ball!!! But I held my temptations and let the kids have fun instead. So far I’m really liking this kid, he has a lot of energy and loves to do things! This is him at bat. Hit that home run!! (Did I get that right?)
Later that day we had a LOT more fun! Alan took me for a scooter ride! It wasn’t quite sticking my head out of a moving car window, but I did enjoy the wind in my hair.
Does the fun stop there? Not with this kid! Down the street he has a friend with a trampoline in their front yard!! I’ve NEVER been so high in the air! I mean, cats can fall off 30 story buildings and survive, or at best use one of their 9 lives (lucky cats), so I should be fine coming down……right? Alan, please catch me!!!
OK, enough astronaut training, it was time to head back to Alan’s house to relax……but wait……there’s a swing. A SWING!!! This is NOT a drill people!! Alan has a swing and I got to go on it!!! If my tail wagged any harder I may as well have two!!
What a fun, full day we had. The next day was Sunday, maybe we’ll just hang out and watch some football. That’s what Sundays are for, right?
Nope, not with this family. I barely had time to set my Fantasy Football lineup when I’m being told we’re going to some place called SeaWorld. So, a whole world about the ocean? I don’t get it. Are there cats there? Can I chase a ball? Stay positive, I’m sure this will be fun. The sun got into our eyes for this photo, thankfully Alan is such a kind kid and covered my eyes for me 🙂
Oh……My……Dog…..this place had fish THIS BIG!!! We saw whales, sea lions, penguins, but I really liked the HUGE turtles swimming around in a really big fish bowl! I wonder if Alan can take one home?
I don’t know how much more of this excitement I can take!! After a full weekend like that, Alan and I were both PTPO (Passed the pup out!)
Monday was a holiday, so Alan didn’t have to go to school that day. How fun we get another whole day together. I can’t imagine topping the fun we’ve already had…..until I saw it.
A bounce house!!! Alan and his family have a bounce house!!! His mommy and daddy set it up in their yard and we had SO MUCH FUN!! We jumped around, I went down the slide over and over again, and Alan made sure I was safe so I didn’t get bounced on or hurt. My heart was as full as my dog bowl at dinnertime!
Tuesday and Wednesday Alan had to go to school, but those are my last two days with him. What was I going to do while my buddy was away? Wait, I’m spending the daytime with his daddy? A grown up? What fun will that be?
OK, I was NOT prepared for this. Alan’s daddy is just a big kid too!!! During the daytime, we did all KINDS of things! First, we played with toys! His daddy is in the middle of building this HUGE Lego set called the Minnem Falcon. Mollim Falcon? Millelli Falcon?…..it’s a big spaceship! While he was putting the pieces together I got to play with the little figures. I can’t wait to grow up and build my own Lego set. I think I’ll build a doggy mansion!
Alan’s daddy had to leave the house to get some things, and I got a little sad thinking I’d be left home alone. But then he said I could come with him!!! What can I say, I’m a dog. What dog doesn’t love a car ride?
His daddy likes to drink something called coffee. Not sure what that’s about, so I snuck a sip. I should have looked first, his daddy likes his coffee strong! I felt like I was back on that trampoline again!! I’ll stick to water, thanks.
Next, we wanted to do something sweet for Alan’s mommy. His mommy is so pretty, and she is so sweet with everything she does for her family. I helped his daddy pick out some nice flowers. My first instinct was to eat them all, but I’m learning to curb my impulses and not be selfish. I’ll stick to furniture and new shoes.
We took a quick break before our next errand. I didn’t want to be pushy, but I’ve been missing out on something for a long time and I was hopeful Alan’s daddy would humor me a little. It has been SO long since I’ve been able to catch up on my soaps! The Young and the Restless was on and I was SO FAR behind on what’s happening, it’s been a few houses since I’ve been able to sneak a peak. Alan’s daddy was so nice, he put it on for me and let me catch up on my stories!! Abby and Davon are getting married???? What happened to Phyllis??? Summer must be so worried, I can’t take the suspense!!!!
One last errand with Alan’s daddy. Something about getting a haircut? His daddy has a lot of hair on his head, I hope he gets more than one done!
Holy dog bone Batman, this place was fancy! It’s named after a bunch of numbers so you know that means it’s posh. I got to try out the spinny chair people sit in when getting their hairs cut (I guess it really is more than one). I also got to meet Taryn. She is SUPER sweet and made Alan’s daddy look amazing! Taryn has a wife named Faith who normally takes care of Alan’s daddy but she gets time off to take care of their new baby. Wait, when humans have babies they get time off? I’ve seen dogs have like 9 puppies at a time and they don’t get time off. Humans……..
This place is legit! They call it a “Hair Salon”. I’m not sure what that means, but there was a fridge full of drinks, a coffee maker, and everyone was really nice there. Is it too early to start thinking about my future career ambitions?
OK, so as fun as it was hanging out with Alan’s daddy, I needed some more Alan time. Tuesday night I got to go see Alan’s swim lesson in this REALLY big pool! There were other kids, floating toys, people splashing around, and his daddy is lucky he had such a good grip on me! Also, I’m plush, so getting wet is not good for my complexion.
Wed night was our last full night together, so we got to have one last relaxing night watching a movie. I do love how good Alan was with me. He was kind, he was cuddly, and he really did his best to take care of me. I had a great night sleep that night dreaming of all our adventures over the past week.
Thursday morning was the time to go back to Kindergarten. My time with Alan was special and I’ll really miss him. The adventures we went on, the fun he showed me, but mostly, he warmed my heart each time he would see me and give me a hug. Alan is a kid with a lot of love in his heart, and I hope he continues to show that love to so many others so they’ll feel as great as I did.
I hope I can also make other kids feel that love too. This world needs a lot of love right now. To the next kid I see, I can’t wait to tell you all about my adventures so far and make new ones with you. I have to say though, as far as adventures go, Alan set the bar pretty high. I hope you have Disneyland tickets!